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FACTBOX: What is known about terrorist attack at Tusas facility in Ankara

ANKARA, October 23. /TASS/. Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya has confirmed there has been a terrorist attack at the facility of the Turkish aerospace corporation Tusas and admitted there had been casualties.
TASS has summarized what is known about the incident at this point.
– The terrorist attack was carried out against the Tusas facility in the Kahramankazan neighborhood of Ankara.
– The roads to the facility are blocked.
– A large police force, commandos, rescuers and medics have arrived in the area.
– Police helicopters are hovering over the scene.
– According to preliminary unofficial reports, an explosion occurred at one of the guarded entrances to the Tusas factory, which produces aircraft, drones and weapons.
– It is suspected that a suicide bomber is to blame. After the blast a gunfight followed.
– The attack, according to the A Haber TV channel, occurred at the moment when security guards were replaced.
– Some terrorists might have broken through and taken hostages, the NTV reported.
– Gunfire can still be heard. Several terrorists reportedly drove up to the entrance in a taxicab.
– At least two attackers – a man and a woman dressed in black uniform – were seen.
– They were carrying assault rifles, handguns and bulky backpacks, apparently containing magazines with ammunition and explosives.
– Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya has confirmed the very instance of a terrorist attack at the facility of the Turkish aerospace corporation Tusas and said there were casualties.
– The Ankara Prosecutor-General’s Office has launched an investigation.
– Turkey’s Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc said a deputy prosecutor-general and eight prosecutors had been commissioned to probe into the attack.
